The Effects of a Healthy Diet on Fitness
By Anthony Dimarino
In today’s society, most people have their own opinions and definitions for terms associated with health. One term that gets thrown around often is “wellness .” We hear about it all the time. “Wellness” is utilized most often to sell products and services, teach about lifestyle, and even build social media followings. But what is wellness? It depends on who you ask and in what context.
There is no single agreed-upon definition for the term. In fact, “wellness” can cover many subjects: physical, emotional, spiritual, relational, mental, or financial. More so, each aspect of wellness can contain specific subtopics. For example, nutrition, fitness, and sleep are sub-topics for physical wellness. This article will further explore how a healthy diet improves your wellness and fitness.
Defining a Healthy Eating Plan
Seeking out information about a healthy diet plan can be daunting and confusing. The art of eating well seems lost, and diet fads and even more people promoting them each year resurface.
In simple terms, a healthy eating plan should include these components:
- Easy to understand and follow
- Include all food groups in reasonable portion sizes
- Meet the nutritional needs of an individual
- Help the individual meet their goals
- Is evidence-based
LVAC personal trainers can help you craft a personalized healthy diet plan tailored to your unique goals. Explore the full list of trainers at each location here.

Some Red Flags to Look For
You must be careful about which meal plans you select to prevent any short-term or long-term negative results. Many eating plans you can find on the internet are likely not healthy, nor will they improve athletic performance. If a diet plan you find includes any of these factors, look elsewhere for a better alternative.
- Promotes rapid or unreasonable weight loss
- Focuses on one single food or group
- Cuts out one or multiple food groups
- Is promoted by a celebrity or non-health professional
- Lack of scientific evidence it works
The Effects A Poor Eating Plan Can Have on Wellness
Eating an unhealthy eating plan can have detrimental effects. In the short term, a healthy meal plan that is too high or too low in nutrients can cause low energy, low strength and performance, dehydration, and digestive problems. In the long run, a poor eating pattern can cause chronic illnesses such as obesity, high blood pressure/heart disease, cancer, diabetes, and liver disease. Following a well-rounded meal plan is essential to prevent these harmful effects.
Some actions to consider:
- Choose several balanced meals daily
- Focus on low-calorie beverages, especially water
- Limit eating or snacking when you are not hungry
- Choose primarily unprocessed, whole-food options
- Eat mainly from the 5 main food groups: fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and low-fat dairy
The term “wellness” has been an overly debated topic. There are many definitions out there. In order to improve your overall wellness, it is prudent to do your homework and follow high-quality meal plans and lifestyles. You can find more resources about healthy eating and wellness from your physician, dietitian, or organizations such as the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, the American Heart Association, the USDA, and the American Diabetes Association.
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